free Internet Via Bluetooth With Nokia

16/07/2011 10:26

Enjoy the Internet for free on your Bluetooth mobile phone Nokia! Follow this simple trick to access the Internet for free on your mobile phone using Bluetooth. It's as simple as possible.

The access point of a mobile phone

Tools \ settings \ connection \ access points \ options from the point \ new access> default settings ... These are the values ​​that u need ..

Connection Name: Anything (ADLS tion PCGPRS suction or something u remember well because u'll need it later!)

Bearer: GPRS

Access Point Name: The name you gave to your BT connection when pairing with the computer ...

Username: None

Password: None

Authentication: Normal

Gateway IP Address: and that's all about it in this part ..

Now, go to: Connection Tools / Options / GPRS, and then

Adjust the settings for GPRS "when available" and the access point to "none."

that's it.